venerdì 14 giugno 2024

The Ultimate Certificate - TEST 1. General Knowledge.

 1) Al stands for, or is an abbreviation of...

a) Artificial Intelligence b) All to bed now! c) Alistair d) Elephant

2) What are the notes of the Dorian mode?

a) D E F G A B C b) D O R I A N c) E G# B D d) A A E E F# F# E

3) Which city is not in New Zealand?

a) Palmerston North b) Christchurch c) Dunedin d) San Francisco

4) Find the solution to 3 x 0 + 2 x 3 +5 x 10

a) 0 b) 160 c) 4,235 d) 56

5) Allegro (Italian word) means

a) fast b) happy c) fairly quickly d) a growing leg

6) There are four men and four bananas in a bowl. Each man eats one banana but, at the end, there is still one banana in the bowl.

a) One man didn't really eat his banana. He just pretended to. b) One man shat his back into the bowl.   c) There were really five bananas, but one was invisible. d) One man ate the bowl as well.

7) Three boys from 3P (St. Patrick's College, 1966) were learning Latin. Their teacher was a fantastic Latin teacher. Which statement best sums up the students' experience, while also expressing that there are worse things than being late?

a) Bene factum! b) Non admodum malum. c) Omnia bona. d) Better Latin? Never!

* * *

Okay, how did you go? 

Give your answers in the comments and you'll find out. 

Don't get too excited - this is only TEST 1,


5 commenti:

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Thank you for your entry Rob.
You have scored 2/7.
We will release the correct answers after all contestants have submitted their answers.

Anonimo ha detto...

Dear R(RBB)

I regret that Peter Curmudgeon will be unable to participate in your contest.
He has a bitt of a cold and so I'm keeping him at home today.
He says that he already has a certificate and doesn't need another - thank you very much.

Peter The Curmudgeon's mum (Mrs)

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Dear Peter The Curmudgeon's mum (Mrs),
That's okay, but it will result in a 0/7 score for little Peter.
Just a bit of friendly advice, maybe it would be a good move to deter Peter from stealing things - we all know about the communion hosts. Now he has taken to forging certificates.
Not a great outcome for a boy who could have become a priest.
Richard (of RBB)

Richard (of RBB) ha detto...

Correct answers for The Ultimate Certificate - Test 1.

1) c 2) a 3) d 4) d 5) b 6) d 7) d

THE CURMUDGEON ha detto...

Does you think?